Current Weather Conditions at Smiths Station, AL
(Updated at  5:20p ET on 05/03/24)

Temperature 80.7°F
Dewpoint 64.5°F
Relative Humidity 58%
Wind Chill 80.7°F
Barometric Pressure 29.907 in (Falling Slowly)
Wind --- at 0.0 mph
Wind Gust (Past 10 Minutes) 0.0 mph
Today's Rainfall 0.00 in
Storm Rainfall 0.00 in
Monthly Rainfall 0.00 in
Yearly Rainfall 0.00 in
Archive of Monthly Summaries (July 2017-Present)
Today's Highs and Lows
High Temperature 86.1°F at  1:22p
Low Temperature 67.0°F at  5:14a
High Dewpoint 72.0°F at 11:02a
Low Dewpoint 64.0°F at  5:14a
Low Relative Humidity 52%  at  1:10p
Low Wind Chill 67.0°F at  3:28a
High Wind Gust 0.0 mph at ----