Current Weather Conditions at Columbiana, AL
(Updated at  6:34p CT on 05/03/24)

Temperature 77.3°F
Dewpoint 65.1°F
Relative Humidity 66%
Wind Chill 77.3°F
Barometric Pressure 29.927 in (Steady)
Wind SW at 1.0 mph
Wind Gust (Past 10 Minutes) 9.0 mph
Today's Rainfall 0.00 in
Storm Rainfall 0.00 in
Monthly Rainfall 0.04 in
Yearly Rainfall 22.75 in
Archive of Monthly Summaries (November 2012-Present)
Today's Highs and Lows
High Temperature 82.8°F at  1:52p
Low Temperature 67.6°F at  7:15a
High Dewpoint 72.0°F at 10:44a
Low Dewpoint 65.0°F at 12:01a
Low Relative Humidity 56%  at  1:41p
Low Wind Chill 68.0°F at  6:06a
High Wind Gust 17.0 mph at 11:24a